There are times when ideas don’t pan out as intended. It might be due to unforeseen circumstances, or perhaps the plan wasn’t well received by others and needed to be revamped. More often than not, people expect their ideas to take root in the blink of an eye and start growing, but that is certainly not how things go. It is up to them to think on their feet and make the appropriate changes to make the idea work. Yasser Siddiqui is one business owner who had to pivot from his original idea to something else entirely.
His initial plan was to start as a business owner as he considered himself an entrepreneur, but Yasser got a little sidetracked when he began to work at a not-for-profit school. He tried to set up a few side hustles, such as trading, goat farming, and even paper-making, but those didn’t fall out as he had hoped. Still, it didn’t discourage him, and once he had the opportunity to gain experience in several different work fields, Yasser turned his attention to soccer.
Soccer had been his passion from an early age. He had played at a semi-professional level during his school years. Yasser began to work on getting back in the game by setting up his soccer training center in Canada.
He had already managed to gain quite the standing as a pioneer of soccer, back in his home country of India. Through Ayta Sports Pvt. Limited, he had helped set up private 11v11, 7v7, and 5v5 day-night soccer facilities in New Delhi. While the soccer club he bought became runner-up in the first season of the state football league, it is worth mentioning that the club, Delhi Chargers FC was the first-ever Adidas-backed semi-professional league in India.
Wanting to spread his wings and share his passion for soccer with the rest of the world, Yasser turned his sights to North America, specifically Canada. Once there, he began setting up another branch of Ayta Sports.
Initially, he had planned to buy and sell the latest soccer technology equipment to various clubs and academies in different regions. The technology he bought from the UK was the latest in its category and was being used by professional soccer clubs all over the world. The response he received for his idea was underwhelming, to say the least. Seeing the less-than-stellar response, Yasser did not lose hope. Instead, he turned the entire teck hustlers project on its head and decided that he would use the equipment to help train future athletes instead.
The concept was implemented, and it became a success almost instantly. Yasser began to amass a clientele that wanted to be trained with the very best equipment, and it did not take long for him to establish Ayta Sports Canada from the ground up and begin coaching.
His ambition is to train soccer players and become a pioneer in individual or small-group training with the help of new technology. He believes in helping young athletes realize their full potential and live up to the greats they admire with all their hearts.