When you created your online shop, you didn’t imagine it would be so difficult. In your candor-filled mind, everything would be nothing but candy pink and chocolate marshmallow. Of course, everything didn’t go as planned.
Since its launch, your online shop has been struggling to generate sufficient turnover. From time to time, you have 1 or 2 sales, not enough to cover your expenses or make a profit.
Why is it so difficult? What did you do wrong to get here? Without realizing it, you probably make one of these three mistakes.
1- Your advertising texts are seen and reviewed
Between the selection of suppliers and the administrative paperwork, you had little time to write product sheets. You could have hired an experienced web editor, but you didn’t see the point.
Instead, you took over the text of the advertising flyers. Never in your life have you used Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v so much.
As a result, your customers have the strong impression that they are visiting one of those umpteenth business sites without personality. Worse still, search engines, which abhor plagiarism, make you pay for your bonhomie?
2- Your images are of poor quality
Visually, your site is real torture for the eyes. The product photos you have selected are pixelated and will not be displayed on mobile devices.
When we know that 41.9 million French people are motorists, it is easy to understand why it is a crime of lèse-majesté.
Even the images you have put on your home page and in your blog are not up to the task.
Stop this at once! Use a high-quality royalty-free image for each of your blog texts and, most importantly, use photos that pay tribute to the articles you sell.
3- The buying journey is too long
Why do you think Amazon boss Jeff Bezos reduced the sales process to two steps? 1) Confirm shipping address and bank details. 2) Validate.
The longer the buying process takes, the higher the shopping cart abandonment rate.
Don’t answer that this is a standard in e-commerce. If less than 33% of people validate their orders at checkout, there’s a problem.
If your conversion rate is less than 2%, again, question yourself.
Is it essential to insert captchas on every page? Do you think it is mandatory to require the password to view the shopping cart?
The more steps there are, the harder it is to convert your prospects. It’s mathematical. And just as 1 + 1 will always make 2, it’s an immutable rule that you must abide by.
It’s time to stop making excuses and make things right!